Development of the MOMENT-app

Research Environment

The connection between the design and utilization of public spaces and the perception of safety among men and women is indisputable. However, Brussels and Belgium lag behind in terms of perceived safety in public areas. This is partly due to the tendency to overlook minor infractions as commonplace incidents, thereby leaving feelings of insecurity in public spaces unaddressed, despite their immediate impact on citizens’ behavior.

How to Gain Insight?

Understanding this issue often relies on retrospective glimpses, yet the perceived sense of safety heavily relies on the situational context. This project aims to delineate the gender-specific perceptions of safety in public spaces in Brussels by employing a citizen science approach.

To achieve this objective, hbits will develop the MOMENT application to directly capture perceptions during the act itself.

Basis of the application

Underlying the application are two principles:

(1) moments are determined through the method of experience sampling based on time constraints and geofences

(2) moments are sent out via notifications

Through the MOMENT app, citizens as privileged observers subjectively assess the context.


End users, including citizens and stakeholders, will be encouraged to utilize the findings as a “real-time barometer” for monitoring perceived safety and as a valuable resource to bolster civic initiatives.




Through the MOMENT app, citizens rate public spaces in Brussels in terms of safety.

The innovative application sends citizens a notification the moment they use a particular public space. As a result, they are questioned in the action of the act itself.

A pilot study on the VUB campus is planned for the fall of 2024. In 2025, the study will be rolled out within Brussels.
